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At a traditional bank, when you deposit money, the bank uses it to make loans and other investments. In exchange, the bank pays you interest for the use of your funds. In the world of cryptocurrencies, this is achieved through the process of "staking" or "yield farming."


  • Deposit and Validation: In staking, cryptocurrency holders lock a certain amount of their assets in a specific wallet or smart contract. This shows your commitment to the network.
  • Participating in Network Security: By doing this, stakers help secure and maintain the network by validating transactions and making sure everything is working correctly. This is similar to a bank's role in ensuring that transactions are secure and legitimate.
  • Validation Rewards: In exchange for their services, stakers receive rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrencies. These rewards are generated as part of the blockchain protocol.


  • Provide Liquidity: In yield farming, users provide liquidity to a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocol by depositing their cryptocurrencies in a liquidity pool. This allows other users to make exchanges or loans.
  • Earn Yield: In exchange for providing liquidity, yield farmers earn returns in the form of tokens of that protocol or even interest.

Both methods are like depositing money in a bank in that you are committing your assets to support certain operations on the network and in return you receive compensation in the form of additional cryptocurrencies. However, it is important to note that, Unlike traditional banks, returns in the cryptocurrency world can be much more variable and are influenced by factors such as network activity and participation rates. Additionally, the risks can be different and it is crucial to fully understand the technical details and risks associated with each method of earning interest in cryptocurrency.


Staking cryptocurrency involves locking (or “staking”) your tokens on a blockchain platform or network to support the operations of that network. In exchange, stakers receive rewards in the form of more tokens of that cryptocurrency or, in some cases, transaction fees.


Example Stake ETHEREUM, you will see many options We recommend LIDO STAKE. The Lido platform has market capital support of around $15,556,807,260.45, check it out. Before staking you must verify the market capital of the platform where you will carry out the transaction. This measure will prevent you from having problems recovering your investment. An ETH STAKE pays only in ETH. A USDT STAKE pays only in USDT.

The recommendation To provide Liquidity We can say that it is not a safe path since unfair rewards are commonly delivered in relation to the deposited token. For example, a $20 USDT token placed as a liquidity provider is fragmented with other unknown tokens and commonly belongs to simple economic projects. Therefore, from $20 dollars we will have a return of $12 dollars plus different tokens that together form more than $8 dollars, giving a total of $24 dollars depending on the investment time. The problem with this is that we will not be able to convert the 8 dollars in unknown token to USDT or a more popular token because they are not usually compatible, therefore we will have $8 dollars of an unknown token that will not be useful to us .


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